Oklahoma Hand and Physical Therapy

Top Exercises for Knee Pain Relief While Hiking or Traveling

At Oklahoma Hand and Physical Therapy, we understand how knee pain can put a damper on your adventures, whether you’re hiking through beautiful trails or traveling to new destinations. Knee pain shouldn’t hold you back from enjoying life’s best experiences. That’s why I’m here to share some top exercises for knee pain relief while hiking … Read more

Natural Relief for Neck and Shoulder Pain on Left Side

neck and shoulder pain on left side

Don’t tell me, you have neck and shoulder pain right? That pain can be hard to cope with but you don’t have to cope. Neck and shoulder is known for being a persistent and troublesome challenge. From dull aches to sharp pains, it’s always bringing unwanted trouble. This is where we here at Oklahoma Hand … Read more

Exploring Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain Management

Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain Management

Living with chronic pain is like being in a relentless tug of war-with your own body. It’s more than just a symptom; it’s a complex experience that affects you physically and psychologically, diminishing the quality of life and clouding the joy of daily experiences. At Oklahoma Hand Physical Therapy, we see chronic pain not just … Read more

Eliminate Pain With A Healthy Diet

You Know The Saying…We Are What We Eat! If you’re already visiting a physical therapist for internal inflammation, you’re aware that this is a condition that can have a significant impact on your general health. Physical therapy can assist whether you have a particular diagnosis for your inflammation (such as osteoarthritis) or you’re not sure … Read more

3 Reasons To Call A PT For Sciatica Pain

Each of your sciatic nerves runs down each leg from either side of your lower back. As a result, shooting pain on one side is a characteristic indicator of sciatica. While compression of one of your sciatic nerves can be excruciating, it doesn’t necessarily necessitate medical intervention, yet sometimes physical therapy is your best bet … Read more

3 Safe and Effective Tips For Relieving Stiff, Achy Joints Through Physical Therapy

Sometimes we wake up in the morning feeling stiff and achy. We wonder, “Did I sleep on my neck wrong? Do I need to replace my mattress?” It’s only normal that from time to time we feel a little off upon getting our day started! However, if you find that you’re consistently waking up in … Read more

Strains and Sprains Are No Match For Physical Therapy!

You’re walking across the park on a bright summer day when your foot accidentally steps in a hole. Before you know it, you’re in agony, crumpled in a heap, hoping no one notices your fall. Been there before? We get it — it’s embarrassing, but it’s painful! So, what exactly do you do? How do … Read more

Dealing With Arthritis Pain? Say Goodbye To Discomfort With PT

Arthritis is a pretty common term used to describe over 100 different types of joint pain and disease. Many people believe that arthritis only affects elderly people, but this is far from the truth. According to a study published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, about 30 percent of male athletes who regularly play … Read more

3 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help With Stress-Related Headaches

Did you know that headaches rank third among the most prevalent types of pain? That is correct. Headaches are very frequent and can be extremely debilitating, affecting a person’s quality of life. Dealing with headaches on a daily basis can be incredibly difficult and it can leave a person fatigued. Fortunately, through physical therapy, long … Read more

Feeling Discouraged From Lower Back Pain? PT Could Help You!

Many people experience lower back discomfort and are unsure how to get long-term relief. Dealing with this type of discomfort can take time away from relaxing, working, spending time with family, and generally enjoying life. It can also make a person irritated, anxious, and lead to a range of other health problems! According to the … Read more