Feeling Discouraged From Lower Back Pain? PT Could Help You!

Many people experience lower back discomfort and are unsure how to get long-term relief. Dealing with this type of discomfort can take time away from relaxing, working, spending time with family, and generally enjoying life. It can also make a person irritated, anxious, and lead to a range of other health problems! According to the … Read more

How Improving Your Posture Can Eliminate Back Pain

We’ve all heard the phrase, “sit up straight” before. However, this seemingly simple task is sometimes easier said than done. Most people recognize that posture is an important part of your overall health, yet it is something that is constantly overlooked. Think about how you end a long day of school or work. Do you … Read more

Back Pain And Herniated Discs: Could Physical Therapy Help You Find Relief?

Have you been suffering from back pain and wondering what the could be? There are several reasons your back might be bothering you, but one of the most common ones is a herniated disc. So, how do you know whether you have a herniated disc? One telltale sign can be where the pain is located. … Read more