Physical Therapy: Your Path to Natural, Drug-free Pain Relief

Did you know that 66% of the United States adult population, or more than 131 million people, use prescription drugs everyday? Some prescription drugs can be helpful, and are important for treating a variety of illnesses, but the national opioid epidemic should encourage us all to think twice about relying on prescription medication for pain-relief. … Read more

Leave Medication In The Dust With Physical Therapy

The opioid epidemic is frequently in the news, and it may have prompted you to consider how painkillers are affecting your life. You may be sick of taking pain medicines every day when you wake up, throughout the day as you fight to move without agony, and at night to sleep peacefully. If you’re taking … Read more

The Secret To Ditching Opioids

Another day, another drugstore visit. Month after month and year after year, many chronic pain sufferers find themselves on this treadmill. Prescription pain relievers can only do so much to alleviate your discomfort, and in the case of opioids, you may find yourself buying larger quantities more regularly just to keep up with your growing … Read more

Put Down The Painkillers: A PT Can Provide You Better Pain Relief!

On average, 130 people die of an opioid overdose every day in the United States. It’s a stunning statistic that sadly impacts nearly every community in our country since opioid abuse and addiction affect people from all walks of life. Many people who become addicted to opioids were first prescribed them by a medical doctor … Read more

Achieve Natural Pain Relief With Physical Therapy Instead of Opioids

Chronic pain may be a great burden, interfering with almost every part of your life to the point where it seems impossible to ever feel “normal” again. Physical therapy can help. Chronic pain can become increasingly difficult to manage as time passes, whether as a result of normal wear and tear or as a result … Read more