Oklahoma Hand and Physical Therapy

Are You Living With a Neurological Condition? Physical Therapy Can Help You Regain Independence

If you have a neurological condition, you are well aware of how it will impact your life. Your mobility may be limited, your quality of life may suffer, and you may be unable to function as independently as you would like.

Fortunately, physical therapy is an alternative.

Physical therapy for neurological disorders is meant to regain as much function and mobility as possible, allowing you to move around more easily.

We hope that our patients will be relieved to know that they will be treated by the best Tulsa, OK physical therapists.

Our physical therapists at Oklahoma Hand and Physical Therapy in Tulsa, OK are highly qualified specialists in the treatment of mobility issues caused by injury or nervous system disorders. Our experts will assess your condition and create the best care plan for you.

For more information on how our Tulsa, OK physical therapy services can benefit your condition and help you learn how to manage your neurological condition, schedule an appointment today.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button below and complete the short form.

How can physical therapy be combined with Neurotherapy?

Neurotherapy is a non-invasive technique that analyzes brain activity to see how it can be changed to help patients recover function.

It identifies areas of the brain that need enhancement and then uses physical therapy to reinforce those areas.

EEG is used in conjunction with Neurotherapy to assess brain function and construct ‘brain maps.’

Physical and neurological therapists collaborate to create the right care plan for each patient.

By participating in physical therapy sessions after a neurological injury, your stamina will increase, you will be able to perform targeted activities, and you will regain your independence much sooner.

Are you unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a PT before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form.
*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our taster sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.


Stroke is a leading cause of disability in adults. Oklahoma Hand and Physical Therapy can help relieve the effects of a stroke by working to improve balance, walking, and the use of assistive devices.

Common therapies for post-stroke rehabilitation include:

  • Functional electrical stimulation
  • Neurotherapy techniques (Biofeedback)
  • Partial body weight support
  • Motor image
  • Constraint-induced movement therapy

Biofeedback is a form of neurological therapy that assists in improving understanding of muscle function and how it can be enhanced.

This is done by applying electrodes to the skin and viewing muscle activity on the device.

After a stroke, our physical therapists in Tulsa, OK will help you recover your functional skills so that you can get back to life as normally as possible.

Call Oklahoma Hand and Physical Therapy neurological condition today

Are you dealing with any of these conditions and finding it difficult to maintain a sense of independence in your everyday life?

Know that you don’t have to go down this road alone. If you are living with a neurological condition that is keeping you from living the life you want to live, please contact our physical therapy office right away.

To provide you with the best treatment possible, our physical therapists at Oklahoma Hand and Physical Therapy will collaborate closely with neurological specialists.

If you make an appointment to speak with one of our dedicated physical therapists, you’ll find out how we can better treat your symptoms and help you achieve your physical goals. Get started today.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

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