Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy uses low-level red or near-infrared light to boost cellular function, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. It’s a natural, non-invasive treatment for pain relief, muscle recovery, and skin health.

A Message From Rhonda Millet...

One year ago, I started on a journey to find a way to help my patients even more than I had been able to in 25 years as a physical therapist.

Those that know me, and the staff I have placed around me, know that we work very hard with our hands-on approach, goal-focused treatment, with a compassion and drive to get nothing but the best results for each person that seeks us out for help.

What I realized was that while my patients were getting better and some recovering quite incredibly, there were some that were still suffering with lingering pain, chronic inflammation, and issues that although had improved, were still affecting their quality of life.  They could not live their best, and unfortunately, the answer was not in medication, another injection, or a surgical procedure.  These people felt hopeless, lost, and frustrated with the traditional approach, and as much as I wanted to believe that our PT techniques were the solution, we were part of that traditional approach.  I wanted more for them and felt that I owed them to open my mind, do research, look for studied interventions, and be able to offer a solution.

Enter the concept of photobiomodulation.  This was a game-changer for so many people and as I networked with other providers literally around the world that were making profound progress with their patients, I had to explore this further. Here is what I found.

Photobiomodulation is the absorption of infrared and red light.  Approximately 50% of sunlight is red light or infrared light.  And, it has healing properties.

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How Does it Work?

Well, red light penetrates our skin and stimulates the mitochondria of our cells.  This improves cell energy production and cell function.  So, what can this help?  Anything that is a cell!  There are thousands of research studies showing benefits ranging from skin health, hair growth, wound healing, better sleep, more energy, and you guessed it….decreased pain and inflammation.

can you get red light from sunlight?

You can, but with changes over the lifespan, such as the amount of time spent inside for our jobs and activities, the seasons that drive us indoors, and the removal of heat energy from inside sources (we are surrounded by green and blue light), we simply do not get enough of this vital source of health and wellness.

Need To Know More About Cost and Availability?

If you’d like to find out more information about the cost and availability of our services click the button below to complete a short form, a member our team will then reach out.

What are the other options to get red light therapy?

There are 2 recommended ways that research has shown to be effective and also, we are seeing fantastic results by implementing both of these with our patients.

The first is the use of light therapy patches. I started using these patches about 8 months ago now (as of January 2025) and I have never looked back. I believe that everyone’s body has specific needs that these patches targets, but for me, I experienced increased energy, improved mental clarity, and a remarkable decrease in chronic inflammation that I have carried, I believe after one too many vaccines.

The best part is that they are convenient, they are affordable, and they give us such good results that we use them in most of our patients and would argue that based on the testimonials, research, and the lack of us naturally obtaining red light, EVERY one of us should be patching. They are a game-changer. If I told you that you could experience health and wellness along with more energy and less pain in a cost-effective way by simply placing a patch on your body for 12 hours per day, would you do it?  It’s the most convenient way to gain the benefits of red light therapy and it’s where we start.

The second recommendation is the use of a red light therapy panel.  We use this treatment every day in the clinic as we know that these can deliver more red and infrared light in moments than the average indoor-worker gets in weeks. It’s a great way to relax and the use of red and infrared light are key frequencies for longevity and healing. Typical sessions are 20 minutes and we recommend 2-5 sessions per week depending on time and availability.

We now have that missing piece that I have been longing for to help my patients get well, not just feel better.  Easy, affordable and effective ways to achieve wellness and longevity like never before. 

And finally, a way to influence health without a prescription for another muscle relaxer, another injection that may not work, and a way to increase stem cell activity for healing, increase mitochondrial function to help our cells be healthier and lively, and a way to impact life that cannot be found in our traditional medical interventions.

If you would like to know more, I am happy to help.  You can also check out for tons of information on photobiomodulation, testimonials, other practitioners and physicians and why they recommend this technology to their patients, and specifics on the development and use of the patch.

I look forward to helping you on your journey to a better life, less pain, and improved longevity.